Watch dogs legion royal treatment
Watch dogs legion royal treatment

watch dogs legion royal treatment

So I can walk around in plain sight without immediately being picked up by guards. So now we created a whole bank of new abilities that you can find on characters like additional weapons or combat perks or stuff like that to make them more discreetly different.įor example, another feedback we had was a lot of players wanted the jobs to kind of matter back when they joined Dedsec, they would leave their their job but now, say I’m a construction worker, when I leave and join Dedsec I can use my construction worker outfit, and I can enter construction sites with what we call uniform access. So we moved all of the abilities and characteristics to be more action adventure oriented. So one thing we wanted to do was you wanted to make sure that we added more like differences and particular abilities to people to create more differences than, than say an RPG system would. One of the big changes that we made that we’re proud of we had a lot of feedback from the players at E3 last year and some of the journalists about just what people expected from ‘Play As Anyone’ and what it was delivering.

watch dogs legion royal treatment

What has the team been able to add and polish since? We spoke about how the team have utilised the extra time that came with the delay, how next-gen has helped the game look even better and the ‘Play as Anyone’ feature that will let you play as absolutely anyone. After our hands-on time with Watch Dogs: Legion, we got to chat to Lead Producer, Sean Crooks.

Watch dogs legion royal treatment